How to add an extra CDN Pull Zone
If you have created your CDN Nexus and need to add an extra Pull Zone, this guide should help you.
A CDN PULL Zone pulls data from an origin URL provided by you and caches it across our CDN servers, and using our generated unique URL, the content will be retrieved from the closest edge location available to your visitor.
Creating a new Pull Zone is easy with a few simple steps.
First, click on the green Manage button next to the CDN Nexus Organization you need to add the Pull Zone for
Click on Add pull zone

On the pop up box, you can fill in the information for you pull zone
Origin URL of the website
Custom Hostname for your CDN. This can be left blank and a random hostname will be generated
Once the required fields has been filled, you can click on Add

Once the pull zone has been created, you will be directed to the pull zones manage page. Here, using the tabs available on the left side menu, you can;
View Statistics for this Pull zone.
Edit the Hostname and enable SSL for this Pull zone.
Set Options for this Pull zone.
Mange additional Security settings for this Pull zone.
Enable and setup Web Application Firewall, WAF for this Pull zone.
If you had used a custom hostname, you will need to add a CNAME record pointing to the unique URL which can be found under the Hostname tab.
A CDN PULL Zone pulls data from an origin URL provided by you and caches it across our CDN servers, and using our generated unique URL, the content will be retrieved from the closest edge location available to your visitor.
Creating a new Pull Zone is easy with a few simple steps.
First, click on the green Manage button next to the CDN Nexus Organization you need to add the Pull Zone for
Click on Add pull zone

On the pop up box, you can fill in the information for you pull zone
Origin URL of the website
Custom Hostname for your CDN. This can be left blank and a random hostname will be generated
Once the required fields has been filled, you can click on Add

Once the pull zone has been created, you will be directed to the pull zones manage page. Here, using the tabs available on the left side menu, you can;
View Statistics for this Pull zone.
Edit the Hostname and enable SSL for this Pull zone.
Set Options for this Pull zone.
Mange additional Security settings for this Pull zone.
Enable and setup Web Application Firewall, WAF for this Pull zone.
If you had used a custom hostname, you will need to add a CNAME record pointing to the unique URL which can be found under the Hostname tab.
Updated on: 03/14/2023
Thank you!