Articles on: Scalable Cloud Computes

Why is the CPU model different from what is displayed on my Scalable Cloud Servers' manage page?

You may have tried checking your CPU model on your Scalable Cloud Server, and it displayed a different CPU model than what's mentioned on your manage page.

The CPU version displayed on your Scalable Cloud Server is not accurate as they are virtual machines. The CPU is emulated to match certain CPU options.

The reason we emulate the CPU is to allow certain features on the cloud, like Hot Migration which allows us to move Scalable Cloud Server across Nodes without downtime, which is to maintain service quality and to make sure our clients receive the optimum CPU performance.

Our nodes consist of Dual Xeon E5 CPUs and some Nodes with Dual Xeon Silver CPUs, and your server is receiving these cores. However, since the CPU is emulated, it shows as E312XX (which is not a valid CPU)

If you are experiencing issues on your Scalable Cloud Server which could relate to the CPU, feel free to raise a ticket to our Support team and we can definitely look into it for you!

Updated on: 10/06/2021

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