Articles on: Billing and Payments

How am I billed for Scalable Cloud Servers?

CloudCone Scalable Cloud Server billing is pretty straightforward, this article will explain everything you need to know

Hourly Billing

Scalable Cloud Servers are billed hourly, you will receive a bill on the 1st of every month for the previous month's hourly use, which means you are charged for the number of hours your Scalable Cloud Server uses during the month. When you create your Scalable Cloud Server, you will see your total bill per hour and per month.

Hourly and Monthly Estimate

You will need to add funds initially to your account's cloud credits (funds) to match the Monthly estimated bill, in order to deploy the specific plan

My plan is a Virtual Private Server, is it billed the same?

If your plan is a VPS plan, we have a separate article which is found here

Updated on: 10/06/2021

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