How to attach a DDoS protected IP to my Scalable Cloud Server?

Before you continue, please check out our DDoS protection offering as advertised on our site to see if it can work with your existing application environment
If you require an Always On DDoS protected IP, you can follow the steps to add one to your account.
Instances are limited to 1 DDoS protected IP
Click on the manage button next to the Scalable Cloud Server you need to add the IP
Click on the Networking tab on the left navigation area

Click on Attach DDoS IP

On the confirmation pop up asking you to acknowledge the $3.50 /MO fee, click Yes
Once that's done, the Scalable Cloud Server will be rebooted, and the DDoS Protected IP will be assigned.
IP needs to be configured under your Operating Systems networking script to have the IP listen on the server. If you are having trouble doing that, open up a ticket, and we can help you there
Updated on: 04/07/2022
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